What is this?

Regen Villages are a model of sustainable and resilient communities that address the challenges of climate change, socio-cultural divides, and resource scarcity by creating holistic solutions. While creating solutions that are regenerative and beneficial to all life forms, local economic assets are rebuilt, creating an ecologically integrated, equitable, and prosperous society. Regen Villages are designed to be largely self-sustaining, utilizing renewable energy for power, water, and food systems that generate local value, employment, and production. Renewable materials, cooperative models of ownership, and circular economies are also integral parts of the approach. By weaving together a dynamic web of integrated components and functions, Regen Villages strive to create autonomous and regenerative communities that are resilient in the face of a continually changing environment.

See also: regenerative, emergence, evolutionary computing, antifragile, protocol

EP103 James Ehrlich on Regen Villages 174

EP120 James Ehrlich on ReGen Villages Part 2 94